Tuesday, April 15, 2008

IATA Codes:A Freight Forwarder’s Tool

IATA, or the International Air Travel Association, has a separate code for every airport in the world. There are several websites on the internet that do nothing but provide a tool that would allow you to look up an airport from the IATA Code. These websites appear to be nothing more than place holders for Google Ads. So who is the target audience for the advertisements on these sites? In order to get a sense, I decided to look up the Google advertisers are these sites. It turns out that most of them were travel agencies. The logic is probably that only people with a limited knowledge of the travel industry would need to look up an IATA code and it is thought that maybe these same people would also need a travel agent. This begs the question…at this point in history would you rather be a travel agent or a freight forwarder?

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